Additional ports for iOS, Android, and Vita were also released at different times.
Jet set go games full#
There was a re-release of Jet Set Radio released on PSN, Xbox Live, and PC in full HD. The Noise Tanks and Love Shockers are told to be preparing to return, but not yet, whereas the Poison Jam are told to be back on the run. However, the record is revealed to be a hoax, incapable of summoning a demon. When Goji is defeated, his tower explodes.

The final battle takes place on top of a giant turntable over a building. Gouji hopes to use the record to make a pact with a demon, and use it's power to take over Tokyo-to, and eventually the whole world. Gouji is using the Golden Rhinos to regain one of Coin's records which was destroyed, the Devil's Contract. The Poison Jams becomes brainwashed and attacks the GG's, and in the confusion, they spill Gouji, the Rokkaku owner's, plan. The Golden Rhinos make their way into the Tokyo-To area, where the GG's are forced to fight them off. The GG's are found by Combo and Cube, who state their 3rd member, Coin, has been taken, and his enormous collection of records were destroyed. The second and third chapter detail a struggle against an assassin group called The Golden Rhinos, a vicious gang owned by the Rokkaku Corporation. Each gang also drops a piece of a red record when defeated. Once the protagonist defeats each gang they hand over their belongings and grant the area to the graffiti gang that dethroned them. Other gangs which feature in the game as opponents are the Noise Tanks, who appear to be semi-cyborgs, Poison Jam, brutish thugs who wear fish costumes, and the Love Shockers, an all-girl gang made up of jilted lovers. Also, Professor K narrates specific parts of the game via his eponymous pirate radio station called Jet Set Radio. The police, the S.W.A.T team, and Rokakku Gouji's Golden Rhinos are yet another obstacle to avoid while defeating rival gangs. While tagging these places, the player is pursued by policemen and their leader, Captain Onishima. The initial stage is set in a Shibuya bus station, in which the player has to "tag" various parts of the bus station, as well as spray over existing tags, so as to gain the area as part of their territory. The player first starts out spraying a little graffiti in Shibuya-Cho looking to recruit members. Beat is the leader and founder of the GG's.

Beat was first shunned from gang to gang over and over again until he decided to start his own gang. The player starts out as Beat, a 17-year-old rudie who ran away from home like many other Japanese rudies. After completing a set of menial challenges, designed to introduce the player to the control system, Gum and Tab join the gang forming the first 3 members of the GG's. The player starts off forming a skate gang which also resides in Shibuya-cho, and thus forms a rivalry between the gangs in the area. In each of these areas, the player will encounter a rival gang - Love Shockers in Shibuya, Noise Tanks in Benten, and the Poison Jam in Kogane - that attempts to usurp the GG's home turf. Shibuya is a shopping district full of blue skies and daylight, Benten a nocturnal entertainment spot that represents night, and Kogane a mostly residential area, built on the water, where it's perpetually sunset. The city is split into three parts - Shibuya-cho, Benten-cho, and Kogane-cho, each of which corresponds to a different time of day. The game begins in Shibuya-cho, and is introduced by Professor K, the DJ of a pirate radio station based in Tokyo-to, who explains the basics of life in Tokyo-to for a "rudie", the term he uses to refer to young people who roam the streets spraying and skating.